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Gamecock Alumni

Dear Sumter High School Band Alumni,




          We would like to invite you to become involved in the Gamecock Band family again!  There are many outlets in which you can become involved!




  1. ​Join the Sumter Band Booster Club! - For the first time, our Band Booster Club membership is open to alumni members.  Joining this organization means that you will be able to attend meetings and play a huge part in supporting the current band members.  Please see the "Band Booster Club" page listed on this website for more details.

  2. Alumni Night!! (Oct. 23rd/Home vs. Carolina Forest) - This is when we invite alumni members to play in the stands at a home football game with us!  If you don't own an instrument anymore, we can lend you one for the evening.  This event will include a Sumter Bands Alumni t-shirt and an evening of reliving Friday night football memories!  The cost for this event is $15. 

  3. Attending Performances - Between marching band, indoor percussion, jazz ensemble and all of the concert ensembles, there is some sort of concert or competition performance every month!  Keep an eye out for our website's calendar and "upcoming events" blog.  

  4. Follow us on Facebook - On Facebook, search for "Sumter High School Bands".  We are always posting upcoming events, fundraisers and new achievements.



**Don't forget to browse our "For Sale" page for Sumter Band treasures and merchandise!!**


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