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Band Camp!

It is that time of year again! As a reminder, prepare for band camp by practicing your music, drinking plenty of water, and keeping your bodies moving and adjusted to the heat.

Band camp dates:

Percussion and Guard - August 1st - August 4th (Tue - Fri), 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Full Band (Winds, Percussion, Guard) - August 7th - August 11th (Mon - Fri), 8:00am - 4:00pm [Jamboree Friday evening]

A few things to note:

1. All members need to have their band forms signed, notarized, and returned before the start of band camp. They can be turned in to the front office during summer school hours.

2. Parents can start bringing in packs of bottled water and crackers for the band students to use at football games. Please bring those either at the beginning or end of the camp day.

Keep checking the website and our social media for more updates!

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